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Can Dehydration Cause Dry Skin?

Dehydration cannot cause dry skin.
Dehydration causes dehydrated skin.

What is the difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin?

Dry skin is a skin type. Skin type is the type of skin people are born with.

There are 4 skin types: dry, oily, normal and combination.

Dehydrated skin is a skin condition. Dehydrated skin is something people can get, irrespective of the type of skin they are born with.

Here is a link to a post that explains the differences between dry and dehydrated skin in greater detail.

Can dehydrated skin be fixed?

Yes, dehydrated skin can be fixed by using skincare products with the right ingredients and avoiding skincare products with ingredients that can worsen this condition.

If dehydrated skin is not fixed, it can lead to other skin problems. Hence, it is important to address the problem and fix dehydrated skin as soon as possible.

Can dry skin be fixed?

No. Dry skin can’t be fixed. It is a skin type we are born with. There are four skin types: dry, oily, normal and combination. All skin types have their own set of pros and cons.

We can maintain dry skin in a good state by using skin care products with the right ingredients so that its cons don’t get out of control and its pros remain pros.

Is it true that dry skin is more prone to becoming dehydrated than all other skin types?

Yes. That is true.

Let me explain why this is the case.

The top layer of the skin acts as a barrier/shield. It has two essential functions:
~ prevent water from the skin from evaporating into the atmosphere
~ prevent breakouts on skin

The cells in the top layer, the moisture between and inside the cells, and the sebum (skin’s oil) all help the top layer with this barrier function.

Skin is always prone to losing moisture through transepidermal loss, which means water evaporates from the top layer of the skin. Therefore, it is important to use the right skin care products to prevent/reduce this loss.
Dry skin has low moisture content to begin with. So, if we don’t use the right skin care products that add and retain hydration, dry skin will lose even more hydration, resulting in dehydrated skin.

To sum up, because of its already low hydration content, dry skin is more prone to dehydration than all other skin types.

What happens if your skin becomes dehydrated?

The skin’s barrier function will become weak, causing breakouts and dry patches.

The skin’s cellular turnover process slows. This is the process where old cells are replaced regularly by younger cells. When skin becomes dehydrated, this process slows, making the skin appear dull.

Skin starts to age faster.

Dive even deeper into dehydrated skin