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Is My Skin Dry Or Dehydrated Quiz?

Before we get to the quiz, couple of key points to remember:
~ Dry skin is a skin type. It is the kind of skin you are born with.
~ Dehydrated skin is a skin condition. Anyone, irrespective of the kind of skin they were born with can get dehydrated skin.

Dry Or Dehydrated Quiz

The good and the bad

Bad news:
There is a fine line between dry and dehydrated skin. It is hard to tell the difference. Hopefully, the quiz helped.

Good news:
If you can’t tell the difference, don’t sweat. It’s okay.
If you have an inclining that your skin could be dehydrated, your skin could be dehydrated for real.
Do what you need to do in terms of your skincare routine to fix the issue. Even if the skin is not dehydrated, benefits from the routine won’t go to waste. In fact, the dehydrated skin care routine should be a part of your regular routine. Because you never know when skin can become dehydrated – so regularly do what you need to do to keep it from becoming dehydrated.

Dive even deeper into dehydrated skin