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What are the Disadvantages of Niacinamide on Face?

Too much of niacinamide can cause irritation and redness on the face.

Studies show that upto 5% niacinamide is enough to deliver the benefits that niacinamide can to the face. Anything higher, can cause irritation in some people.

Irritation and redness on the face can eventually lead to dark spots / pigmentation on the face.

A couple of scenarios…

Your skin is irritated, and if the product has more than 5% niacinamide

Then maybe that’s too much niacinamide for your skin. Stop using that product.

Your skin is irritated, and if the product has 5% or less niacinamide

Before you stop using it, check the following:

You may be using too many drops of niacinamide. You only need 2 to 3 drops in one dose.
Many moisturisers, cleansers, and sunscreens also have niacinamide in them. Maybe you are using multiple products with niacinamide in one go. Check the ingredients and limit to one niacinamide product per routine.
Check the other ingredients in the niacinamide product. Maybe it is one of the other ingredients that is irritating and not niacinamide.
Some common culprits are fragrance, essential oils, and denatured alcohol.