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Does Niacinamide Reduce Aging?

Yes, niacinamide reduces premature aging of the skin in 2 ways.

Here are the 2 ways in which it reduces the aging of the skin:

1. Helps collagen

Collagen, a protein found in the skin, gives the skin its structure. It keeps skin firm.

As the amount of collagen reduces, the skin starts to sag. It becomes all wrinkly. Skin begins to age.

Sometimes, sugar molecules in our skin bind themselves to collagen molecules. When this happens, collagen becomes rigid, loses its properties, and can no longer help the skin with its structure.

This process of sugar molecules binding to collagen is called glycation.

Niacinamide interferes with this process and reduces the chances of it happening. By doing this, niacinamide protects collagen.

More collagen = Less aging of the skin

2. Antioxidant

Exposure to environmental nasties and the sun’s UV rays forms free radicals in the skin. Free radicals are very harmful. They destroy good cells – and, in the process, age the skin.

Antioxidants neutralise free radicals. Once neutralised, free radicals can’t destroy good cells.

Niacinamide has antioxidant properties.

Antioxidant = Less free radicals = Less aging of the skin